Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Lately, I've been discovering more and more blogs each with their own look and personality.  It seems like quite a few of my personal friends and family "blog" and I didn't even know it.  I have decided to give it a try. 

I spent way too much time creating my blog, an adventure in itself (def not a techie). I am hoping that I somehow have enough stuff to write that will keep people informed on our crazy lives in Phoenix, Tucson, Illinois and Boston, some funny stories (usually from my kids) and maybe just some encouraging nuggets.  I guess I won't worry too much about what I'm going to write. 

Why worry about that when there are so many other things for me to worry about? If you're reading this, you know me and you probably know what my worst habit is.  Worry.  Not just everyday worries that you people have, oh no that's way to normal.  These are the mind bending worries that come from only me.  I'm 99% sure that's a wart, but it might be a tumor growing on the outside of my body...Can I get skin cancer on the inside of my mouth? What if I'm looking for a bathroom and can't find one and my bladder explodes?  Now those are legit worries!

I decided that I will just dive in and start writing.  In one of my favorite movies "What About Bob?" Siggy wants to learn to dive and he stands at the end of the dock saying to himself "arms out, knees bent, and SPRING!!" So this is me "SPRINGING"!!  Time to swim...


  1. Thanks for letting me know about your blog! So cute!But then you are so cute :) I love hearing about you (you've always been special to me, even if I rarely see you) and your family. My do I remember to look at it? there an email that comes out that says Di posted her on her blog??? Next problem, how do I post this? I am so blog illiterate!!

  2. On the left you should find a subscribe to Jordan/Beer Family Adventures by Email. Click on it sign up your email address, then when I post something you will get an email.
